The Sweat Club is the The Collective Studios complimentary loyalty and perk program. Get rewarded for working out, bringing friends to the studio, hitting class milestones and so much more! Then use your points to redeem valuable gifts, prizes and discounts. Just one of the many benefits to life at TCS!

Browse through a selection of some of The Sweat Club’s most coveted prizes!

Perkville is the software or program that operates The Sweat Club. Perkville integrates with our studio’s booking system and mobile app to make earning points super easy and fun for you!
You can access TCS’s Perkville page here or by navigating to gift icon in your app!
The Sweat Club is a complementary loyalty and perks program for all of our members and clients!
You’ll receive an email from Perkville/TCS each time you earn points. You can also easily track your points on TCS Perkville’s website or by navigating to the gift icon in your app.
Joining The Sweat Club is super easy, simply open The Collective Studios mobile app, click on the gift icon tab in the bottom navigation, and sign up.
You may also join The Sweat Club on our Perkville page.